Evaluation will be based on the following components (see myCourses for details):
- Assignments (40%)
- Project (50%)
- Class participation (10%)
Assessments in this course are governed by the
Policy on Assessment of Student Learning (PASL),
which provides a set of common principles to guide the assessment of students’
learning. Also see
Faculty of Science-specific rules on the implementation of PASL.
Legally mandated academic accommodations are handled by Student Accessibility and Achievement.
For more information see
Academic considerations for assessments that are missed or late for valid reasons will
be provided at the instructor's discretion. As per the new Quebec guidelines, medical notes are not
required for absences of less than 5 days. Note that repeated, similar requests for academic
considerations in this course are unlikely to be granted.
Language of Submission
In accord with McGill University’s
Charter of Students’ Rights, students in this course have the
right to submit in English or in French written work that is to be graded.
This does not apply to courses in which acquiring proficiency in a language is one of the objectives.” (Approved by Senate on 21 January 2009)
Conformément à la Charte des droits de l’étudiant de l’Université McGill, chaque étudiant a
le droit de soumettre en français ou en anglais tout travail écrit devant être noté, sauf dans
le cas des cours dont l’un des objets est la maîtrise d’une langue.
(Énoncé approuvé par le Sénat le 21 janvier 2009)
Academic Integrity
McGill University values academic integrity.
Therefore, all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating,
plagiarism and other academic offences under the
Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures
(Approved by Senate on 29 January 2003) (See
McGill’s guide to academic honesty
for more information).
In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University’s control, the content and/or assessment
tasks in this course are subject to change and students will be advised of the change.